Nak kata aku ni seorang yang terlibat aktif dengan dakwah kepada non-muslim, memang tak lah kan. Buat kerja ni tak pernah, lepas tu aku bina tembok setebal-tebal mungkin antara aku dan mereka. Tak rasa malu ke mengaku diri sebagai ummat nabi?
Tembok atau jambatan; mungkin aku kena start bina jambatan dah kot. Barulah dengan bangganya aku cakap,
"Akulah ummat rahmatan lil 'aalameen (kasih sayang kepada seluruh alam)".
Where is the love bhai?
Wallaahu'alam bis sowab.
Jenis-jenis tsabat
11 years ago
Salam bro. just would like to suggest to you a friendly comparative religion course this weekend at setiawangsa. under saba islamic media. I may not know you but reading this post made me feel that it is very important to spread this out to those who feel like sharing this deen espcly with the not-yet muslims. Most of us know the importance of da'wah to the not-yet muslims, but this course has opened up my mind, somehow widening up my perspective even more towards them. if you're thinking about joining, this is the number u should contact, Bro Mas 013-6159030. rm100 for a 2-day course. morning til 5. definitely worth it.they have it both in bahasa n english version, but this weekend is in bahasa. tq
done follow/singgah sini.. jom follow/singgah blog teman.. heee..
klu minat kucen leh follow blog ni jugak.. =)
anon: sorry bro i just read your comment. Anyway, thank you very much for promoting. Insya Allah, one day i might join the course (if there is any in the future, bi idznillah). Once again, thank you very much
there will be in the future insyaAllah. probably, I will inform it here. One of the instructors is Br Shah Kirit. there's a lot to learn from him.
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